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Category: Greenville Women’s Clinic Blog

E-cigarettes Anyone?

I discuss smoking habits on a daily basis with Patients as we KNOW it adversely affects one’s health and vitality.  The talk about quitting is not an easy subject. I see Patients struggle, yet even with a strong emotional desire to quit, it is near impossible to quit physically.  The bottom line, when our body becomes used to a substance, it begins to fall in the category of dependence or addiction.  To be frank, nicotine is said to be the most addictive substance in our society and is a current hot topic with the trend of Alternative Nicotine Use. Continue reading “E-cigarettes Anyone?”

Got Vitamin D?

Vitamin D has been the subject of debate with respect to its role in our health and its surveillance for years. You may have talked about it at your annual physical and likely have been tested already. It is no argument that we must have Vitamin D in our bodies; however there are several questions that remain unanswered per its role in our health. In June 2014, the United States Preventative Task Force released a statement to the public stating there was insufficient evidence to weigh the benefits and harms of screening for Vitamin D deficiency to improve health outcomes in those who have no symptoms. They are questioning, not recommending against, if it is beneficial to test someone for Vitamin D deficiency if otherwise healthy and without complaint or risk factors. Would this screening prevent diseases? Would finding a low Vitamin D level be helpful to treat? Would screening cause harm? Research is underway to seek out the answers, and assure these answers are backed by scientific evidence. Continue reading “Got Vitamin D?”

Surprise, You Are Pregnant!

What is the first thought that crosses your mind?  The baby shower filled with pink or blue?  How will your partner react, and certainly friends and family?  Depending on the relationship with your partner or life circumstances, this news may bring about any emotion fathomable from the human psyche.  If this is your first pregnancy or one of many, where you are in life plays into your state-of-mind in that very moment.  After coming to terms with being pregnant, you then realize that your world will be changing with this living being developing in your womb.  This is the first of so much to follow, both physically and emotionally. Continue reading “Surprise, You Are Pregnant!”

Summer – a time to re-energize and find balance!!!

What does summer mean to you?  When I think of summer, it brings on a warm, relaxed sense of well being, reminiscent of times dancing in the sand, listening to good ole’ beach music and enjoying a Jimmy Buffet state-of-mind.  When summer rolls around, I look back on those winter months and think, “Why don’t I feel this way year round and why am I not as active?”  After being indoors all winter, and feeling starved of sunlight, we look forward to the summer months of fresh air and activities.  It is a bright and active time of year – filled with endless opportunities to focus on self, friends and family.  Bottom line, summer is a time when I feel better and balanced in my own skin.  Can you relate?  Do you feel most balanced this time of year or are you able to find balance year round?  I applaud you, if your sense of balance and well-being has not become seasonal like mine. Continue reading “Summer – a time to re-energize and find balance!!!”

Dr. Google

Think about life today. Compare it to 5, 10, 15 years ago and certainly your childhood. Life is not the same. We live in a technology-driven world that is progressing, at the speed of light! It is challenging and changing the way we live, learn and even how we communicate, process and trust information. Technology is changing the way we practice Medicine and certainly the communication between Doctor and Patient. The Internet is an endless abyss of information, from fact to fiction and certainly to opinions born out of first-hand experience or plain ignorance. Continue reading “Dr. Google”

Pelvic Talk?

I spend a large part of my day evaluating, treating and assuring the health of that which involves the center of gravity for every female – her pelvis.  We have to boast as females we are carefully constructed for whatever comes our way – you name it!  A mother is the center of gravity for her family, not just physically but literally.  A female athlete has much leverage over male counterparts when it comes to core and balance because of her pelvis.  You may think, okay she is an OB/GYN; of course she obsesses over the pelvis!  Please reflect for a moment…do you know your pelvis? Do you understand the form and function of your pelvis, to take care of it and know its danger signs?  Think about the aches and pains you may have or have had?  If you have ever felt pain in your pelvis, are you able to discern what exactly is hurting?  What is that cramp, that pressure or bulge?  How did I just suddenly pee on myself?! Continue reading “Pelvic Talk?”

Eventually, All Women Will Deal with the Big ‘M’

I can’t help but reflect on a women’s health issue that’s changed how we practice Medicine. It’s a subject that just over a decade ago sent women running to their doctor and still remains a subject of controversy, a source of fear and confusion for many. Can you guess it? – Menopause.

Continue reading “Eventually, All Women Will Deal with the Big ‘M’”

Our Time

As a physician, wife, mother, daughter, sister, best friend and the other various hats I wear in my life, I have often wondered, what am I doing? Does wearing one hat mean that I have to put down another? After all, I can only juggle so many. I find myself feeling sad and defeated, even apologizing every time one of my proverbial hats is dropped!

I find that I gauge my happiness based on how well I perform this balancing act. Impossible? I cannot be perfect to everyone and certainly not all the time.

Do these emotions sound familiar to you? Continue reading “Our Time”

Personal Exchanges

Our finest memories and moments are found in exchanges – between mother and child, between best friends, between you and your significant other and really, between you and anyone or anything in your world. It is in these exchanges that we build our awareness and knowledge and certainly learn from our trials and tribulations.  Exchanges serve as comfort and strength or a means to pressure and challenge one another. It is with exchanges that we learn as much about others as we do ourselves. Continue reading “Personal Exchanges”